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    Zimbabwe News

    Top Housing Officials Reassigned Amid Allegations of Land Scam Cover-Up

    Top Housing Officials Reassigned Amid Allegations of Land Scam Cover-Up

    The Harare City Council’s councillors, in collaboration with certain managers, are reportedly reorganizing key personnel in the housing department to conceal their corrupt activities.

    Key individuals affected include legal expert Mushava and Dr. Machipisa, the deputy director of the Human Services Department of Housing and Community. Dr. Machipisa is being transferred to the School of Excellence, which is beyond the council’s jurisdiction.

    Investigations have indicated that Mayor Jacob Mafume and his associates want Edgar Dzehonye to assume the role, facilitating the cover-up of land fraud involving councillors and management.

    Additionally, Dr. Machipisa has allegedly refused to allocate stands to councillors outside their designated wards, adhering to legal requirements.

    Some councillors, including the Mayor, who received stands during their first term, are also pushing for Dr. Machipisa’s removal to obtain new stands under the names of proxies.

    The School of Excellence, where Dr. Machipisa is being reassigned, is located in Gunhill at the mayoral mansion and currently shows no signs of development.

    Despite the council’s resolution to establish and fund the school, it remains an unrealized project. A visit to the mayoral mansion revealed no visible preparations for the school’s establishment.

    An anonymous worker at the site expressed doubt about the project’s feasibility, stating, “There is nothing going on here. We only read in the newspapers about the School of Excellence, but I doubt it will ever open, as there are no preparations.”

    An anonymous councillor revealed that Dr. Machipisa is being targeted for his adherence to professional conduct. “The Minister of Local Government is aware of the issue and is addressing it. The councillors are demanding stands outside their wards, which is illegal. Dr. Machipisa has stood firm on this, but he is now facing persecution. Some of us have already received stands, but the greedy ones want more,” the councillor stated.

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